100 metres underground runs a circular tunnel 27 km long, crossing the border between France and Switzerland. Inside the tunnel, two beams of subatomic particles are shot in opposite directions gaining speed with each lap until they are travelling faster than the speed of light. The beams are then sent hurtling into one another in hopes of having them smash apart, revealing the even smaller particles that make them up. However, when particles collide and rip apart, it is like two garbage trucks colliding and their contents spilling allover the road. The next part is trying to figure out what pieces came from where.
I don't really understand particle physics, or much about physics in general. Honestly, I feel a little ill by the thought of microscopic particles of energy orbiting each other inside my body.
But I think about all the lives lived just above the surface, of people in cars and on bikes running parallel to the energy below. Sometimes I feel as if we purposefully smash into each other, ripping apart to figure out whats really inside.

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